Hi. As you all well know I have a dog, I have a car and I thought - hey, why not drive down to Mexico? Well... it was a little more in depth than that, but y'all got the idea. In the posts that will follow, I hope to share some of my experiences, both the good and the bad. Of which I figure will fall into the catagory of either; a girl, or the dog, or the car. Hopefully there will be funny ones to counter the not-so-funny ones, but I can't create the story unitl it happens.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I'm alive, I'm alive...

I have received many emails questioning why I haven't posted for so long in my blog, and so I thought I would write a quick little note to let people know that indeed I am alive, albeit a bit broken down.

Some of you may have heard through the grapevine, either in the States or in Mexico, that I was attacked and robbed. The story is true, but rather than focus on all of that, I will let you all know that even through the injuries, I still remain positive about my travels through Mexico. And, even though I had one evening of a negative experience, I have had many many days of positive ones since. In this small community of 2000 (I am still in Lamanzanilla), I have become a bit of a local legend as the word spread like wildfire. And the sympathy and support that came out of the experience was at times overwhelming, but also very comforting. I was a stranger in this town when I drove in, knowing absolutely no-one, but when I leave on Wednesday I will be known by almost all. Mexican and foreign. I could not have asked for a better place than this town for something like this to happen to me. And even though the experience will always be in the back of my mind, the positive energy that came out of it will always be in the front of it.

All things that happen to us in life do so for a reason, I am sure of that. Not only is it a lesson learned, it is a lesson taught. Hopefully they will catch the hombre so he doesn't hurt anyone else, but karma comes to those who wait. He will get his. Hopefully when he goes to try and sell my camera and someone sees 3 months of pictures on it of me...and Maddie Moo.

In the meantime, I will continue on. I will watch my back a little more, and bring the dog and mace with me more often. But I still am enjoying my time in Mexico, and don't hold this problem against Mexico nor the small time of Lamanzanilla. This could have happened anywhere...

I leave Wednesday for some camping in Colima and the a week in Patzcuro for semana santa. My friend is coming with me, so temperarily we will be a: a girl, a boy, two dogs and a car in Mexico. I should be quite safe!

My best to all of you, and thanks to the numerous emails checking in on me. I promise, to those of you that worry, that I will check in a little more often!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

El Español

An example of what we have to read and translate in Spanish...I thought it was a good note, for those of you that can read Spanish.

Si es asi, ¿Crees que hay una sola persona adecuada para ti en algun lugar?
¿O hay un numero de persona que potencialmente podrian ser tus almas gemelas, como pareja de por vida o como amigo?
Esto es lo que dice un autor de mayores ventas, Thomas Moore, en su libro "Almas Gemelas".
Dice que todos nuestras relaciones pueden potencialmente tener alma, no solo esos que estan especificamente en la categoria de almas gemelas.
Alimentando las amistades y profundizando matrimonios, platicando intimamente, escribando cartas con el corazon, o concerniendose por otra persona en una forma que conmueva al corazon, uno puede despertar una relacion gemela.
Lo unico que se te atraviesa para tener relaciones entrañables, profundas y saciantes es tu imaginacion.
¿Es suficientemente rica, demasiado pragmatica, demasiado moderna, o demasiado comun y corriente?
Mientras mas fertil sea tu imaginacion, lo mas probable es que tu seas capaz de transformar tu corazon y de invitar muchas relaciones con almas gemelas en tu vida.

Es muy dificil, no? ITS DIFFICULT, NO?

Felize - Heidi